- Policy on Related Party Transactions_Rev
- Board Evaluation Policy
- Risk Management Policy
- Investment Policy
- Dividend Distribution Policy
- Code for Independent Directors
- Code of Conduct for Directors and Senior Management
- Code of Conduct for Prohibition of Insider Trading in Company's securities
- Criteria to pay sitting fees to Non-Executive Directors
- Document Rentention and Archival Policy
- Familiarisation Programme for Independent Directors
- Nomination and Remuneration Policy
- Policy for determining 'Material Subsidiary'
- Whistleblower Policy
- Materiality Policy under Regulation 30
Shareholding Patterns
Capital Reconciliation Audit Report
Investor Grievances
Corporate Governance Report
Trading Window Closure
Other Reports
- Regulation 23(9)_RPTs HY 30.09.24
- Newspaper Advertisement_UFR 30.09.24
- Reg 32_Statement of Deviation 30.09.24
- Certificate Reg 74(5)-30.09.2024
- Newspaper Advertisement_UFR 30.06.24
- Annual Return (MGT-7)_31.03.24
- Reg 32_Statement of Deviation 30.06.24
- Certificate Reg 74(5)-30.06.2024
- Regulation 23(9)_RPTs HY 31.03.24
- Reg 32_Statement of Deviation 31.03.24
- Reg 30_Appointment of SA & IA
- ASCR_31.03.2024
- Certificate Not a Large Corporate Entity
- Certificate Reg 40(10) 31.03.24
- Certificate Reg 7(3) 31.03.24
- Certificate Reg 74(5)-31.03.24
- Reg_32-Statement-of-Deviation-31.12.23.pdf
- Certificate Reg 74(5)-31.12.23
- Regulation 23(9)_RPTs HY 30.09.23
- Reg_32 Statement of Deviation 30.09.23
- Certificate Reg 74(5)-30.09.2023
- Annual Return (MGT-7)_ 31.03.23
- Reg 32_Statement of Deviation 30.06.23
- Certificate Reg 74(5)- 30.06.23
- Reg 30_Re-appointment of Secretarial & Internal Auditor